How to save on the wedding

No one would argue with the claim that a wedding is one of the most significant holidays in life. To celebrate it is been used to be time. At the festive event, the newlyweds are eager to invite all close and distant relatives, friends, acquaintances, and colleagues. But what to do, so that the organization of the wedding is not too expensive? How to save on the wedding? Let’s find out about it.

How to lower the cost of a wedding?

It is known that the prices for holding weddings in cafeterias, restaurants are not a constant value. Depending on the date, they may differ in order. Affects price and time of year. It would be good to know what ways there are to save in winter or, for example, in autumn. While not making the wedding itself less bright and memorable event in the life of newlyweds.

How to save on the wedding… In the summer months

Save on the wedding celebration in the summer is the most difficult. It is known that the warm time of the year is a popular period for holding weddings. But this is well known to the owners of wedding agencies. Increased demand leads to higher prices – all logically. In the end, to, for example, decorate the room and buy kits in the summer, you will have to pay a much larger amount than in winter.

But still, some moments will help you save a little on the wedding even in the summer months. First, drinking alcohol in the heat will cause drunkenness faster. This is a chance to save on alcoholic beverages. Secondly, in the summer not necessarily spend a lot of money on decorating the hall and procession with expensive floral compositions. They are commonly lost among other bright colors.

How to save on the wedding… In the winter

The winter wedding party will cost you less. The number of weddings held in this period is small, so the prices of wedding services will please you. The only nuance – the hall is most profitable to clear in the second half of winter. After all, December and the first half of January – the time of numerous New Year’s events, companies, so the prices for renting space for weddings and banquets can be overstated.

The peak of the wedding season in winter is on 14 February. Forever bind your heart to the heart of a loved one on the Day of all lovers – symbolically, agree. Symbolically, but expensive. The cost of wedding services, work of photographer, videographer on this day is the highest in the year. Therefore, if you want to save – do not hold a wedding on February 14.

How to save on the wedding… In the spring or autumn

How to save on a wedding in spring or autumn? Very easy: spend it closer to winter. The wedding in September or May will cost you almost as much as the summer prices. March or November wedding – on the contrary, will help save a lot. Another important point – do not try to appoint a wedding on «beautiful dates» – like 15.05.15 or 5.10.15. These days, the photographer and other professionals can charge more than ever.

Late autumn, winter, first month of spring – the time when prices for wedding dresses are low. And the range of options offered remains as wide as summer. Knowing this feature will help you save well.. Finally, another useful advice: in spring or autumn, use only seasonal flowers to decorate the wedding venue and the wedding procession.

The cost of wedding specialists is affected by the time of year and the day of the week when the wedding is scheduled. Just by moving the planned wedding date from Friday or Saturday, for example, to Tuesday, you can save up to a quarter of the expenses. In addition, on weekdays it will be easier to order a good restaurant for the wedding (weekends in good places booked months in advance).

How and what can you save on the wedding?

First consider the more general points that will allow you to spend less money on the wedding. The key is to try and shorten your guest list. How do you do it? Try to stick to six simple rules:

  • First, if you have never met a person before, or even suspected his existence, dare to remove them from the list of wedding guests.
  • Secondly, remember that everyone who goes to bed at 9 o’clock in the evening, under any circumstances, will miss part of the event. Therefore, children under the age of 11 years are better not to call for a wedding.
  • Third, send wedding invitations only to those people who are in a close relationship with the person you will exactly call at least a year.
  • By reducing the number of wedding customs, you will save even more. So, try to buy a bride without huge sums. Or hold a wedding ransom that will use contests, not money.
  • Slightly reduce the wedding expenses by refusing to release pigeons when leaving the doors of the ceremonial reception hall.
  • Finally, invitations to your wedding can be made by yourself. Spend a little money, but put a piece of your soul in each message.

How to save on the wedding… Bride and groom outfits

Saving by saving, but wedding dresses must please young people! That’s the main thing. Opportunities to save on the choice of dress for the groom a little – except that as a gift to the wedding suit, free to choose a shirt by the action. And if there is a suitable wedding suit belt and it looks decent, on new, not necessarily spend. Another nuance concerns the groom’s manicure. Going to the salon is not necessary: carefully cut, and then saw the nails can the bride.

For the selection of dresses for the bride, it is desirable to allocate more time – then the probability of finding a great wedding dress at a good price will be maximum. Yes, and the price tag with an impressive sum does not necessarily indicate that this dress is a beautiful, more affordable analog. Moreover, in another store can be found similar but cheaper. It is important to know that the big discounts on wedding dresses in salons are in late autumn or winter.

The cost of a bride’s wedding dress depends on the amount of materials used. On sewing a lavish and multi-layered wedding dress, fabric takes longer, more time and is required – so it will cost more. And the price of 2 identical visually dressed can differ by 2 times and more only for the reason that one will be decorated with natural stones and made from a more expensive material.

It will be useful to know about the accessories for the wedding. It is important to understand that in order to look elegant, you do not need to buy a diadem, wedding veil, shoes with stones and weave live flowers into the wedding hairstyle. One or two bright and prominent accessories will be enough, otherwise the image may look tasteless.

Great attention should be paid to the choice of hairstyles and make-up for the wedding. Not bad, if you have acquaintances, stylists or make-up artists who will turn you into a princess for a small sum. If there are none, go to the makeup and hairstyle test. So you save nerves and can be sure that you will not regret the choice on the wedding day. Try to sign up for professionals who are professionals in their field. It is equally important that your tastes match.

The wedding garter is not necessary to buy. It will not add the shade of luxury and luxury to your holiday. And throw to your friends with great success you can also boutonniere. Handbag bride is hardly useful at the wedding – her hands will be busy without it. And all the little things like a mobile phone, give it to the witness for temporary storage, who’s always there. Or put them back in your regular purse and leave it in the wedding machine. Either way, your belongings will not be lost.

Especially for the wedding, you do not need to buy new cosmetics and perfume. Your makeup will be responsible for professional make-up. And the perfume is better to use those that you already have. This will save you money and protect you from possible trouble – it happens that the new aroma can make your head explode. Not the best prospect for a crucial day in life.

How to save on the wedding… Flowers and decorations

The use of seasonal colors to decorate the wedding hall and create a bouquet will help save. If you want to decorate the banquet venue – use more greens, not colors. Another point – boutonniere can be provided free of charge when ordering a bouquet for the bride. Pay attention to the choice of rose petals. In one place they will be given almost for free, and somewhere – take each petal.

Photo and video

To reduce expenses is real, if there are familiar professionals – photographers or videographers. If not, compare prices and portfolio of professionals offered to you. Choose the one whose work you like more. Still, in a few years the warm memories of the wedding will be only photos and videos from the ceremony. They must be cool. And the tamar with the musician is cheaper to order in a duet.

With the cameraman in advance, agree what and how long he will shoot. One camera is enough with excess. If you have very little money, don’t bother editing the video. It is desirable to hire a photographer, except for the photo session of young people and shooting in the registry office, only for a certain number of hours of the banquet. Immediately clarify whether the price includes photo albums for parents of young people, so as not to overpay later. And also: the album made of artificial leather will be cheaper than natural.


If you are not going to order a limo, you can ask friends or family to lend you a car for the day with air conditioning. This will significantly reduce the list of expenses. Other guests who have cars can also ride on them. And for your wedding motorcade, it would look like a whole, you can decorate all the cars in the same style.


Banquet is the cost part of the wedding. The cost depends on the level of the establishment, date of the wedding, number of guests, and the selected menu. Let’s find out how to save on the wedding, and more precisely, on the festive table:

When arranging the rent of a banquet hall for your wedding, ask about the possibility to bring your own food, alcohol. If it is allowed, the wedding expenses will be significantly reduced.

  • Buy food, water, alcohol in supermarkets. Do not forget to check the expiration date.
  • Cheap way to decorate a wedding hall – do it yourself. For example, with balloons. There are many lessons on the Internet to create colors, hearts and other beautiful patterns.
  • Reduce the number of dishes on the menu. At 90% of weddings, guests do not eat even half of the prepared meals.
  • For the first toast, crumble expensive foreign champagne. Then you can change it to a more affordable analogue. Few of the wedding guests will notice this.
  • Sugar flowers and other cake decorations are created a lot of the time, and they are quite expensive. Why not decorate the guests’ plates with a delicious sweet sauce instead?

Wedding trip

Nothing prevents newlyweds from going on a honeymoon trip not the day after the wedding, but in two or three months. Book a tour and flight tickets in advance. This will help save up to 30% of costs. Or choose inexpensive «hot» tours – then book a wedding trip will have to be two days before the date of departure.

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